chapter is about sin - the name of God is not even mentioned! We might
well say of this chapter: ‘the less said the better’. We should,
however, notice that Jacob is still turning out to be a big
disappointment. Despite all Jacob’s potential (28:15-17,20-22;
32:28-30), there is still, in him, a great deal of self and not very
much of the Lord. We see this in verse 30: ‘You have brought trouble on
me by making me odious... my numbers are few, and if they gather
themselves against me and attack me, I shall be destroyed, both I and my
household’. Where is God in all this? It seems that Jacob has become so
preoccupied with himself and his own interests that he has forgotten
all about God. Amazingly, the next chapter begins, ‘God said to Jacob,
“Arise...”’. God was still calling him to higher things. What love! God
doesn’t give up on us. He keeps on calling us back to Himself.
appeared to Jacob again ... and blessed him’ (9). The Lord’s blessing
does not come only once. Again and again, He blesses His people, leading
us on to a closer walk with Him. God knows what we have been - ‘Your
name is Jacob’ (10). He knows how often we have failed Him, yet still,
He loves us. Still, He holds out before us a new and better future -
‘Israel shall be your name’ (10). God is inviting us to enter into a
future of fruitfulness (11): ‘I chose you and appointed you that you
should go and bear fruit and that you fruit should abide’ (John 15:16).
Special mention is made of ‘the place where God had spoken with him’ -
‘Bethel’ (the house of God) (15). We cannot expect to be fruitful
witnesses if we are not faithful worshippers. Listen for God’s Word.
Take His Word with you - and share it with others.
prisoners looked out from the same cell. One saw the sunshine and the
other saw mud! There are two ways of looking at every situation -
'Benoni' (son of my sorrow), 'Benjamin' (son of the right hand) (35:18).
Spot the missing name in chapter 36? - God. Many never think of God
(Psalm 10:4). Esau’s hardness of heart was more than personal. It has
continued for generations - ‘two nations... two peoples...’ (25:23). He
has ‘spiritual’ descendants too. God’s Word warns us: ‘See to it that no
one fail to obtain the grace of Esau’ (Hebrews 12:15-17).
Salvation does not come to us because of our good works (Romans
9:10-13). Every attempt to save ourselves meets with the divine
condemnation (Malachi 1:1-4; Romans 3:19-20). Thank God for your own
salvation. Never feel superior because of it. Pray that hard hearts will
be brought to Christ (1 Timothy 1: 12-17; Romans 1:16).
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