1 Kings
3:1-28 - Solomon was a
complicated man. We wonder what was most important to him - his
alliances with the world or his allegiance to the Lord, ‘building his
own house’ or ‘building the House of the Lord’ (1-3)? In verses 9-13, we
learn that Solomon prized wisdom more than riches. In verse 14, Solomon
is reminded that he must keep on loving the Lord: ‘If you will walk in
My ways…’. We look at Solomon. We see ourselves. We claim to love the
Lord. The world has a ‘fatal attraction’ for us. In each of us, there is
conflict, a lifelong conflict between ‘the desires of the flesh’ and
‘the desires of the Spirit’. We are faced with a choice. Will it be love
for the Lord or love for the world? Don’t ‘abandon your first love’
(Galatians 5:17; 1 John 2:15; Revelation 2:4). Make it simple: Jesus
comes first!
4:1-34 - ‘God gave Solomon wisdom’ (29).
Solomon shared this wisdom with others (32-34). Christ is ‘our Wisdom’
(1 Corinthians 1:30). Don’t keep Him to yourself. You may not know much
about ‘trees… beasts… birds… reptiles… fish’ (33). If you know Jesus,
you know all that you really need to know! You can live a happy life
without knowing much about history, geography, science…. You cannot have
true happiness without knowing Jesus. He came to give us abundant life
(John 10:10). You can teach others about many different subjects. You
will not help them to find true happiness if you are not telling them
about Jesus. The most important lesson is really very simple: ‘Jesus
loves me…’ (Church Hymnary, 418). Will you share this lesson with others? You can’t give them anything better than this: the love of Jesus.
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