35:1-36:7 - The work of God is shared by many different people with many different gifts. The work is done according to (a) the Lord’s command (35:1,4,10; 36:1,5); (b) heartfelt obedience (21; 36:3,5-7); (c) the God-given abilities
(24-25; 36:2,4,8). There is something for ‘everyone’ to do - everyone
‘whose heart is stirred whose spirit is moved’ (21). Many gifts are
needed (31-35). Underlying them all, there is this: ‘filled with the
Spirit of God’ (31). In God’s work, there is to be ‘full’ obedience.
When we are fully obedient, there will be ‘an overflowing blessing’ (Malachi 3:10). ‘The people bring much more than enough...’. There ‘was sufficient to do all the work, and more’
(36:5,7). God is ready to bless. Are we ready to obey? ‘If my people...
I will...’(2 Chronicles 7:14). ‘Always abounding in the work of the
Lord’ (1 Corinthians 15:58)!
36:8-38 - Moses
may have been the leader among God’s people, but he could not do all
the work by himself! Two of his helpers - Bezalel and Oholiab - are
named (1-2). Most - ‘all the able men’ - remain anonymous (8). Anonymous
yet indispensable - Without them, the work of God would have been left
undone! To those who are full of their own importance, God says, ‘No-one
is indispensable. I will find someone else to do My work’. To those
who, without fuss, get on with doing His work, God says, ‘You are my
servants, through whom My work will make good progress’. Building
Christ’s Church is a long process, involving suffering and
disappointments as well as hard-fought victories. In so many ways, the
tabernacle pointed to Christ: ‘God with us’ (Matthew 1:23). May God help
us to lead many people to Christ!
37:1-29 - Pure gold
(2,6,11,16-17,22-24, 26); Jesus Christ is ‘pure gold’. He is ‘God with
us’. His body was broken for us. We feed on Him, the living Bread. His
light is shining. He spreads the fragrance of His holiness, and the
aroma of His love (Matthew 1:23; Luke 22:19; John 6:35; 8:12; 2
Corinthians 2:14-16). Read about the ark, the mercy seat, the table, the
lampstand, the altar of incense, the holy anointing oil... Think of Christ:
He is the ‘mercy seat of pure gold’ (6). ‘The Lord is merciful and
gracious...’: In mercy, He withholds His judgment from us - He is ‘slow
to anger’. In grace, He pours His blessing on us - He is ‘abounding in
steadfast love’ (Psalm 103:8). We deserve judgment. We receive
salvation. Why? Christ took our judgment that we might receive His
salvation. This is the Gospel - and it is ‘pure gold’!
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